Ricardo is contributing to a research initiative developing clean diesel engine technology. The REWARD (Real World Advanced Technologies for Diesel Engines) Project is a research collaboration between 16 partners from 10 different European countries that aims to develop know-how and technical capabilities in cost-effectively producing cleaner and more efficient passenger car and LCV diesel powertrains which go beyond Euro 6 limits under real driving conditions. It is partly funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework.
Ricardo’s participation in the REWARD Project is focused on the development of advanced aftertreatment technologies through system simulation, evaluating new catalyst formulations, and simulation and testing of exhaust thermal management strategies.
The Euro 6d regulations due to come into force in Europe in 2017 will address real driving emissions (RDE) and represent the first emissions legislation that goes beyond the use of an explicit fixed test cycle.
Through the research carried out by the REWARD Project, Ricardo and its partners aim to evaluate and refine new methods for the development of future clean diesel vehicles in addition to developing aftertreatment technologies and control strategies.
March 22, 2016