Exa Corporation has annoucned its latest latest CFD software release – PowerFLOW 5.1. A 300% speed increase enables complex transient cabin comfort simulations, allowing vehicle manufacturers an accurate, robust, and practical method of studying exceedingly complex thermal engineering problems.
Updates to acoustics absorption material, battery modeling, rotating geometry simulation as well as a simplified passenger comfort case setup are all part of the PowerFLOW 5.1 release.
As described in a paper presented by Honda R&D, ThermoAnalytics and Exa, thermal engineering of a vehicle’s cabin is incredibly complex and requires long simulations to properly predict the thermal behavior of hours of physical time.
“Through Exa’s PowerFLOW 5.1 release, engineers can expect up to a 300% solver speed-up for their cabin comfort simulations — a remarkable time saving,” said Dr Jaehoon Han, director, thermal management applications.
“Achieving faster cabin comfort simulations through this state-of-the-art technology allows manufacturers to realistically include thermal evaluations in the early stages of product development.
“When combined with our equally powerful solutions for acoustic noise evaluation, engineers now have a complete solution for cabin comfort. With Exa they can design comfortable, quieter cabins through simulation and avoid expensive, late-stage design changes.”
April 9, 2015