A new service to deliver more accurate on-road vehicle exhaust emissions testing and analysis has been launched by Intertek at its Milton Keynes-based Transportation Technologies laboratory in the UK.
This is in response to recent changes to pan-European Type Approval legislation in ECE Regulation 83 for light duty vehicle exhaust emissions, that mandates manufacturers report exhaust emissions and fuel consumption figures from real-world driving in a variety of road and traffic conditions. Intertek will use its new Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) in this analysis.
As part of the testing service, Intertek is also developing unique driver aids and route management tools to ensure it delivers the highest percentage of valid tests to customers.
Intertek also recently invested in low carbon vehicle, high performance electric machine and hybrid testing cells at its test laboratory at the European Centre of Excellence in the UK, to enable its automotive customers to reach their goals on air quality emissions and CO2 reduction in their future vehicles.
Intertek Transportation Technologies’ UK MD, Tony Braddon, said, “Here at Milton Keynes our staff work so closely with the cream of Britain’s automotive manufacturing industry that we can respond quickly to the specific demands imposed by legislative changes or manufacturers’ future development needs. By continuing to invest in our state-of-the-art testing facilities, we can help make sure our customers’ vehicles remain the best in the world.”
July 28, 2015