FAIST is the premier worldwide designer and manufacturer of sound proofing solutions for the gas turbine, automotive, aviation, printing and industrial markets. Some of FAIST’s distinguished past customers, to name a few, include: Siemens, Kawasaki, Alstom, Daimler-Chrysler and BMW.
FAIST’s products include semi-anechoic and anechoic testing chambers conforming to ISO 3745, aero acoustic wind tunnel noise control systems, acoustic enclosures for automotive testing, engine test cell components as well as quiet rooms and equipment enclosures. FAIST can provide anechoic chambers built with a wide array of solutions. Our premier solution for anechoic chambers is a proprietary BCA material that provides the full benefits of wedge designs but with the advantages of saving space and money both easy to maintain.
FAIST delivered the acoustic treatment for aero acoustic wind tunnels for example at Audi Ingolstadt, PSA Paris, DaimlerChrysler Auburn Hills, for the modernization of the DLR AAWT Braunschweig, BMW’s latest wind tunnel as well as the first aero acoustic wind tunnel in China, close to Tongji University in Shanghai. A wind tunnel for Honda in Japan was recently equipped with FAIST acoustic treatment. Currently a new AAWT in Germany is under construction.
From the largest anechoic chambers for pass-by testing to engine, powertrain, gearbox, etc, to component test stands, trust FAIST to provide a complete acoustic system that will lead in acoustic test chambers according to international standards.
With more than 30 years’ experience in noise control, FAIST is the proven leader in the development of acoustic products, which consistently meet and exceed their customers’ high demands for quality sound proofing. FAIST is chosen regularly as the firm for complex noise control situations that require unique engineering solutions as well as cost competitive designs for standard noise control.
You may also visit our website www.faist.de, which outlines the extensive product line offered by FAIST for all types of creative solutions. If you have any questions or require information, please contact us Tel: +49 8282 8880 0, e-mail. anlagenbau@faist.de at any time. We would be pleased to serve you.