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The November 2024 issue is now available online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including:
COVER STORY: BENTLEY: Exploring Bentley’s virtual engineering overhaul, spearheaded by a newly acquired driving simulator.
VIBRATION TESTING: Why sine-on-random testing is gaining traction as a preferred methodology for advanced vibration analysis.
NON-EXHAUST EMISSIONS: ATTI delves into how developers are gearing up for Euro 7 regulations addressing brake emissions for the first time.
TEST VENUE KEY QUALITIES: Proving ground operators share insights into the evolving demands shaping the development of top-notch facilities.
OEM INTERVIEW: INEOS: COO Hans-Peter Pessler discusses how the company is leveraging demo vehicles to evaluate next-gen powertrain technologies.
AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO INDIA 2025 PREVIEW: A sneak peek at what to expect at next year’s event, set for April 8, 9 and 10 at the CTC Complex in Chennai.
Note to iPad and iPhone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or iPhone to at least the iOS 5 Operating System.
Note to Android tablet and Android phone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or Android phone to at least the Version 4.0 Operating System.