Denso Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation are to jointly conduct the world’s first test using a quantum computer to process data from a traffic IoT platform. This will involve processing of vehicle location and travel data from arou 130,000 commercial vehicles in Thailand in real-time, with the ultimate aim of establishing best practices for quantum computer applications in transportation.
Location information will be collected and analyzed from both taxis and trucks through cloud-based quantum computer devices developed by D-Wave Systems. Denso and Toyota Tsusho will also implement quantum computer-based data analysis and processing technologies from TSquare, a traffic information service application from Toyota Tsusho group company, Toyota Tsusho Nexty Electronics. Denso will create an algorithm to process and analyze quantum computer-based data, and Toyota Tsusho will integrate the algorithm into a new application on TSquare’s platform. Findings will help guide application development to make transportation more efficient, from traffic decongestion to route optimization for emergency vehicles.
Unlike conventional computers, quantum computers perform calculations to find an enormous number of combinations simultaneously, and can analyze certain data more than 100 million times faster than conventional computers.