The Future of Automotive Testing Conference kicked off this morning at Automotive Testing Expo North America, with Rachel Evans, the editor of Automotive Testing Technology International, opening the event.
Partha Goswami, a former GM expert on technical trends and now an independent consultant, then took to the stage with a keynote titled The software-defined vehicle and a paradigm shift in product development, testing and validation, in which he emphasized the emerging role of software in vehicle development and the growing importance of rigorous testing.
Following his talk, Goswami took part in an on-stage interview with Mark Klavon, technical program manager for global vehicle standards at SAE International. Together, they explored the future of testing for electric vehicles (EVs) and SDVs. Klavon appreciated the interactive nature of their conversation, noting, “It was great to share real-world examples of how testing aligns with what we’re doing at SAE. We want to show engineers how they can get involved and streamline their work.”
Klavon also mentioned an inspiring moment when a young GM engineer asked how she could contribute to the industry. “We love when young people get involved,” he said, “because they think differently and can help us make new connections.”
One of the afternoon’s standout presentations came from Dr Mohammad Behroozi, a vehicle dynamics expert at GM, who discussed optimizing components like tires, dampers and bushings for electric vehicle development. His talk, An insight into optimizing vehicle dynamics, component design and testing for electric vehicle development, underscored the need for updates to traditional design and testing methods.
The afternoon continued with an interesting presentation by Vincent Sabatini, a high-voltage systems test engineer at Ford Motor Company. His paper, Method for validating electric vehicles using high-voltage battery simulation, offered a detailed look into innovative testing approaches for electric vehicles. Readers can expect more details on Sabatini’s approach in the upcoming November edition of ATTI.
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