HBM nCode has released version 11.1 of its software suite, which features several improvements in functionality and performance. New capabilities for the frequency domain allow nCode users to perform more robust and accurate diagnostics of faults in rotating machinery. These features include the new Hilbert transform glyph, which calculates the amplitude envelope and instantaneous frequency content of a signal, and cepstrum analysis, which reveals the spacing between harmonic content of a signal. An example application of cepstrum analysis is detecting faults such as damaged teeth in gears from the vibration signature.
The addition of the Kalman Filter and Wavelet Denoising glyphs provides advanced data cleaning options that were not previously possible with classic filtering techniques. Wavelet Denoising is a technique for reducing the noise content of a signal even when the frequency content of the noise overlaps that of the underlying signal. Kalman filtering enables noisy measured data to be cleaned by using a physics model of the underlying process. By comparing the measured signal with the predicted signal based on the physics model, a better estimate of the actual data is available.
October 2, 2015