Lapland Proving Ground in Finland believes it is a breath of fresh air in the existing selection of winter test facilities in Northern Europe. This full service proving ground is situated 200km north of the Arctic Circle in Muonio, Finland, and is supported by good logistic connections. The location guarantees cold conditions for winter testing and an exceptionally long season. Even the ice tracks on the lake can be prepared in early December.
For the upcoming winter season of 2015-16 LPG provides over 20km of test tracks on land and ice tracks on the lake. A large workshop, which is connected to the offices, is designed for all kinds of vehicles up to truck or bus size.
The company has many years of experience in testing and can handle large scale durability testing operations ensuring the safest environment for testers.
On top of the traditional testing services, LPG is preparing itself for the new era in automotive technology, connected driving and automatization. Close connections to the Finnish IT and network technology will be a useful add-on to LPG’s portfolio. The whole area is already covered by a 4G/LTE 800 mobile network and customized super-safe network solutions could be designed using LPG’s connections.
December 7, 2015